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Island Commands:

/is create (create your island)

/is (teleport to your island)

/is home [homename] (teleport to your island homes)

/is cp (open your island control panel)

/is team invite [player] (invite a player to your island)

/is sethome (set a home on your island)

/is warps (view public island warps)

/is warp (view personal island warps)

/is help (for more island related commands)

Server Commands:

/spawn (teleport to spawn)

/mmsg [player] (privately message a player)

/rr (reply to a private message)

/tpa [player] (request a teleport to a player)

/warp (view the list of server warps)

/shop (teleport to shop to buy & sell items)

/kit (select a kit)